MDSO dual-channel digital oscilloscope, with "low-cost,
high-performance" as the design goals. well-designed bandwidth of 20M,
48M sampling rate, 2 channels, alternating support X, Y and XY
alternating pattern of two-channel virtual oscilloscope, spectrum
analyzer and data recorder.
Powerful analysis function :
Support any multi-screen display, Easy to Variety of analysis;
Support the input waveform interpolation;
Support the input waveform, "add", "subtraction" and "multiplication" synthesis;
Support the input waveform plusRectangle, bartlett, triangular,
cosine, hanning, bartlett_hanning, hamming, blackman, blackman_Harris,
tukey, Nuttall, FlatTop, Bohman, Parzen, Lanczos, kaiser, gauss,
dolph_chebyshev18 kind of window;
Support the input waveform filtering and design filter;
Support the input waveform, "Lissajous", "Frequency",
"phase-frequency", "logarithmic amplitude-frequency", "self-power
spectrum," "logarithmic self-power spectrum," "auto-correlation" and
"cross-correlation "analysis;
Support under logarithmic coordinate system, the input waveform,
"Frequency", "phase-frequency", "logarithmic amplitude-frequency",
"self-power spectrum," "logarithmic self-power spectrum," "self-related"
and "mutual related "analysis.
Powerful data recorder function:
Support continuous data collection and storage, and can move, zoom, view global data, and compare multiple data collection;
High-speed USB2.0 for fast transfer, unlimited long the collected
data, records into files for easy viewing and analysis of collected
24M of continuous recording up to meet the capture function of the general agreement, such as SPI, IIC, UART, etc.
1、Feature Description
Oscilloscope / spectrum analyzer:
Bandwidth 20M
Sample 48M
Channel 2
Input voltage range [-50V,+50V](With probeX10)
Memory depth 1M*2
AD Bit 8
Software triggerrising, falling, rising / falling, differential,
rising / falling+differential
Analysis Waveform Synthesis: Add, subtract, multiply;
Filter processing:IIR filter support "Butterworth", "Chebyshev I",
"Chebyshev II", "Elliptic" type of filter design; FIR filter supports
arbitrary range of frequency sampling method , and Rectangle, bartlett,
triangular, cosine, hanning, bartlett_hanning, hamming, blackman,
blackman_Harris, tukey, Nuttall, FlatTop, Bohman, Parzen, Lanczos,
kaiser, gaussand dolph_chebyshev, window method design.
Waveform analysis:Lissajous, Frequency, phase-frequency, logarithmic
amplitude-frequency, self-power spectrum, logarithmic self-power
spectrum, auto-correlation and cross-correlation.
Grasp frame Continuous function of grasping the frame
Note: Due to computer USB voltage differences, the oscilloscope
measurement results may have some bias, needs your own manual
calibration, the specific reference to the oscilloscope use.
data recorder:
Input voltage range[-50V,+50V](With probeX10)
AD Bit8
Data View The stored data can be continuous, and support global, zoom and move the viewing.
Note: The specific speed recorder with computer processing speed, and if use high sampling rate, the situation may break.
2、Software Installation
1.1 Installation package
Select the installation according to the computer's CPU 32-bit
(English Version.exe)or 64-bit (English Version(X64).exe) package. The
package will install the software and drivers.
1.2 Hardware connection
The USB and computer connections, pop-up shown the interface, select "Install the software automatically";
If the installation is successful, the following pop-up interface.
Note:If driver installation fails, open the installation directory,
for example: "C:\Program Files\InstruStart Electronic\Multi
VirAnalyzer\Driver\MDSO", Double-click to run dpinst.exe manually
install the driver